Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hello there today I am posting on how bad the Republicans have been toward Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. First off President Obama didn't nominate her for nothing. Obviously she is well qualified for the position. A bunch of people are saying that Obama only nominated her because she is Hispanic. Grant it she will be the first Hispanic to be supreme court judge but still, hes not appointing because of race. The republicans keep asking her about how she feels about abortion and all the other important historical cases like Roe v. Wade and Brown vs. board of education. Everybody has mixed reviews about abortion. Its 50/50. She has been a judge for a while so she shouldn't have to be told how to make decisions based on facts and not by personal feelings. For all the interrogations that the republicans did they are still going to vote her in because shes not a crazy feminists out to seek control of the Judicial branch. She is just a hard worker that is eager to get what she has worked for over 30 years. People should trust in Obama because he is the guy that we are all depending on.


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