Saturday, July 25, 2009


Today the United states released plans to hire paid Afghan soldiers to keep guard on U.S. bases in Afghanistan. I really don't think that this is such a great idea. There are of course many pros and cons to the situation. The pros being that we won't have to send anymore soldiers to fight the newly energized AL qaeda forces. So of course that means more soldiers can go into Iraq and into Iran when the time comes. Also, the Afghans will be able to learn to fight their own war without having the help of the U.S. all the time.
And of course there are the cons. The first being that I really wouldn't like to rely on the Afghan hired guns to protect our bases. Right now they are in charge of U.S food supply, transportation, and ammunition. One slip up by them or they decide to turn their back on us hundreds of soldiers may die. They could take over a base full of supplies and have a huge battle there. To me relying on Contract guns wouldn't make me feel to safe. I'm sure Defense Secretary Robert Gates knows exactly what he is doing since he's been Defense secretary for about 3 years now.


  1. I don't think we can rely on the afghan's yet especially since the Taliban is still hiding out in their country. For all we know Bin Laden could be 2 miles from base right now staring down on it from his dark cave.

  2. i already link you here

  3. dude can u please add me to ur ym list here's mine rm_182000 i just want to tell u something...thx


  4. me too here is my yahoo address


  5. explain about bin ladin and his personality i dont what are talking about


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