Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3, 2009 Sarah Palin

Today Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin resign from her office in Alaska. Many believe and so do i that she is going to run for president in 2012. Two things are going to have to happen in order for her to win it:
1. By some miracle in the world she decides to read a few books and maybe study a couple of maps of the world. It wouldn't hurt knowing where many of the major countries sit.
2. In the next 4 years President Obama is going to have to completely destroy half the country. He will have to be George Bush times 10. He will have to find WMD's in England and maybe decide not to fix the economy.

Palin is one of the biggest reasons that McCain lost the election in the first place. If he was to ever die in office nobody not even me wanted to see her run the country. And besides she will probably run against Hilary Clinton or Obama and I don't think she can beat either. America has seen enough of the Republicans screwing up. She will just add to it.

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