Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Issue 3

For all of you out there who don't know i live in a lovely state called Ohio. Its a very nice state. The weather and the sports team suck though, but other than that i have no complaints. So the reason im telling you this is that coming up on the ballot this year is issue 3. Which is to have casinos built in the major cities of Ohio. It has failed about two times already but i feel that this time it might pass, considering the economy here. I am of course in favor of it and will be voting for it. My entire family is also voting for it because we believe that it will raise money for the state. If you look at it many Ohioans would take their hard earned money and go out of state with it to like Detroit or Penn.'s casinos when they could be just going downtown to their own state and spending that money. Many people say that its bad and we dont need it but we do. It will help out so much. So everybody that lives in Ohio reading this make sure you vote YES on issue 3.

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