Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Longer School Days

Finally a president whom wants to make kids go to school longer. President Obama wants to trim back summer vacation so students can spend more time in the classroom. This to me is a genius idea because if you look around the world every country has already done this, thus making them smarter than us Americans. Shocker i know. Students need to spend longer days in school actually learning and not just sitting there waiting for the bell to ring so they can go home and watch TV or go online and twitter about something pointless. In order to face these hard times we now face we are going to need more intelligent people to help solve the problem. People from other countries already embarrass us by coming to our country and taking all of the good paying jobs because unlike us they were spending more time in the classroom than trying to become popular in school. So im all for longer school days and I hope that it happens really fast because when i have kids they will be in school all day and have to read at least one book every month.

Texting and driving.

The Obama Administration is trying to set a ban on texting while driving. This sounds like a fantastic idea except for the fact that the government can't even control people from drinking and driving. Yes theres a law on it but when does that stop people from doing it anyways? Obama should be concentrating on other U.S. problems like the war we are in and the little problem with the economy and let the small local governments take care of the texting problem. He can throw his ideas out there for others to catch thats fine with me but he should focus on his other problems first.
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